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Frequently asked questions

🔹 How does Neko Ninja Inspector work?

Neko Ninja Inspector is a Chrome extension that lets you analyze any Shopify store’s best-selling products, apps, and themes in seconds.

🔹 How do I install Neko Ninja Inspector?

Simply visit the Chrome Web Store, click “Add to Chrome,” and start using it instantly!

🔹 How can I track competitor stores?

With one click, you can see store insights, product trends, pricing, and Shopify apps used by competitors.

🔹 Is Neko Ninja Inspector free?

Yes! You can start for free, and we offer premium features for advanced users.

🔹 Do you offer support?

Absolutely! Our dedicated support team is available via email, support tickets.

🔹 Will Neko Ninja Inspector slow down my browser?

No! Our extension is lightweight and runs seamlessly in the background.

📞 Need More Help? Contact Us Anytime!

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🔹 Get the Chrome Extension – Try It Free!